Ariel Naomi
While I called Rie, my soon-to-rule-the-world daughter, she was sweet, kissed me all the time, hugged me and smiled at wacky faces. She also touched my cheek as she slept at night, I was her comforter along with her dummy of course. I miss her waking me up at 3am for us to sing Daddy Finger, I miss our selfies – which mostly just show her forehead. I miss Rie’s iPhone swiping skills, how she knows how to skip ads in YouTube.
Rie also has a five-second rule – when she doesn’t get what she wants, she cries for five seconds and when she realises it’s getting nowhere, she stops. Yes, I’ve counted several times, it’s always five seconds.
When Jam was told after the ultrasound that he would have a brother, he said, “I’ll pray to God that I’ll have a baby sister.” To our surprise on the next
I would like to recognise the efforts of the LCCH team who work tirelessly to help sick kids and their families. Every 1st of June, which is Rie’s birthday, part of the funds raised will be used to give away treats to LCCH staff as a way of saying thanks. This may not be much but I hope it will bring a clear message that families are truly grateful for their dedication.